President's Message
President's Message
President's Message
Suresh Achuthan Nair
Dear Members of NSSNT,
In the last general body meeting of the NSSNT, I was selected as the President of Nair Service Society of North Texas (NSSNT) along with a new team to represent and run this association for the year 2022. I am sure most of you may be knowing me; but for those members who do not know me, let me introduce myself. I am Suresh Achuthan Nair, living in Coppell, Texas with my wife Rema Suresh and daughters Meghna Suresh & Athira Suresh.
When I took this responsibility on 22nd January, one thing that came to my mind was that we got an awesome team to represent you and run this association. So let me congratulate my team for becoming a part of this committee, but at the same time bringing to their attention the big responsibility that is bestowed on us to meet your needs in connection with NSSNT. Let me also take this opportunity to commend the performance of the previous committee who led us through a difficult time due to COVID.
Nair Service Society of North Texas (NSSNT) founded in 2007 has traversed a path to bring all Nairs living in North Texas, socially together, and also tried to instill the cultural values in the new generation who are born and brought up here. NSSNT achieves this by organizing social get togethers which bring a camaraderie among the members, allowing new members to fuse into the community. Additionally, NSSNT celebrates festivals like Vishu and Onam where members and their family get an opportunity to participate in cultural activities. NYNA, the youth organization of NSSNT plays an important role in providing a venue for kids and youth of Nair members to meet and grow. Being Malayalees, Malayalam language is significant in keeping our cultural values, and connecting all of us together. So, our kids and youth should also understand this beautiful language. With this objective, NSSNT is conducting Malayalam classes for the benefit of all Malayalees. Due to the methodology and our awesome teachers, participation in these classes is growing in leaps and bounds. Let me also mention here that NSSNT works hand in glove with other associations in the North Texas region while keeping the welfare of Nair community as the paramount importance, for the betterment of the society at large.
In a world where isolation is scary and values are lost in no time, an association that can support its members when needed, plays a big role. I can assure you that our NSSNT can play this role and will come to your support based on your needs. NSSNT will not exist without its members, which means that our members also have certain responsibilities. In this regard, I request our members to become a brand ambassador in spreading the awareness of NSSNT to Nairs living in North Texas and also bring them under the NSSNT umbrella. I have provided a synopsis of the functioning of NSSNT in the earlier paragraph and can be used by each one of you in spreading the awareness of NSSNT.
We will be coming out with a road map of our activities for this year shortly while taking into consideration the pandemic that has disrupted our social life.